Samuel T. Olusegun


A preposition is a word that expresses a relationship between two words in a sentence which one of the word is a noun or pronoun. 

A preposition connects one thing with another, showing how they are related. In English grammar, a preposition is placed before or after a noun or pronoun. Some preposition tell about the position or place of something.

The following are words used as prepositions in sentence;at, on, in, at, within, into, without, under, above, beneath, beyond, about, with, before, against, until, inside, near, since, upon, etc.

Examples in sentence

1. The boys are playing in the field.

2. The girls in the class are brilliant.

3. John was at the meeting yesterday.

4. The book on the table is mine.

Note: the bold words are the prpositions expressing relationships between the italised words. 

I hope this will help a lot.


By Samuel T.Olusegun.

An English teacher in a private school in Abuja.

Also teachescomputer and Mathematics

Author: Samuel O.

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