How to get a Child Interested in Mathematics?


How to get a Child Interested in Mathematics?
Science and Technology

Mathematics is still the subject that causes the most problems in school and when studying it with a child at home. And even small gaps in the knowledge of this subject can lead to the fact that the child will not be able to understand some crucial topics.

This also leads to problems with other disciplines - physics and chemistry, which in many cases are based on mathematics. Difficulties in the study of mathematics are often caused not by the fact that this subject is complex, but by incorrect explanations and the presentation of the material. There is one easiest rule that so often violated by teachers, tutors and parents. This is usually not a deliberate violation, but most commonly it is a sign of unprofessionalism.


The main rule for studying mathematics is the presentation of the material from simple to complex, from small to large. Of course, every school teacher should stick to the program, so the supply of material passes systematically. Nobody begins to explain first multiplying in the column method, then adding and subtracting. But the transition from small to large does not always happen. Very often simple rules are perceived by the teacher as obvious, and teachers think that they do not require lengthy explanations and a lot of time.

How to get a Child Interested in Mathematics

However, all these moments may be obvious to the teacher, but generally incomprehensible to the students. That is why at the middle school mathematics begins with the obvious - sticks, apples and pears. Of course, the children grow up, but this technique is appropriate at an older age as well, of course, with the correction that the students are already adults.

Unfortunately, as the students grow older, teachers have to increasingly reduce the time spent on new material. Some of them do not understand why there are so many hours given on "simple" themes in the curriculum. These hours are needed in order to safely and delicately hold a student from simple to complex.

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