How to memorise information fast and easily


How to memorise information fast and easily
University education
Science and Technology

Whether you want, or you always have to remember lots of new information, a good question may arise: ‘How to memorise information faster?’. Thankfully, there are thousands of different methods that may help you. One of the easiest solutions will be mnemotechnic method or in simple words ‘Art of memory’. Basically, it is when you use visualisations and sounds to create associations, so related information can be saved in your brain.

Methods how to memorise more informations

For example, if you need to remember that the capital of Liberia is Monrovia, you can imagine beautiful Marilyn Monroe and it will be simple to remember Monrovia as it sounds like Monroe. Even though these two words may not make any connections in their meanings, but still making an association between them due to their sounds, makes it much easier to remember complicated words. The next time you will forget what the capital of Liberia is, just remind yourself about Marilyn Monroe :)

How to memorise information fast and easily

Also, writing down things and rewriting them again and again may also help you a lot. Do you remember when you have only few days before your exam and you start to copy everything from the slides, but making everything shorter and easier to understand? This method works very well in this case and you can apply it in your daily tasks as well. Additionally, you can use applications on your computer and smartphone to note information, that always will be handy as well as easily accessible, for example Evernote.

This application was created in order to organise all the tasks you need to do, to copy articles, you can create things-to-do lists, setting up reminders and so on. Basic access to application is free. Evernote for real helps to increase productivity and 150 million happy users are ready to prove this.

Whatever tool or application you will use to improve your memory, you have to control yourself, so you practise your memory regularly. Your body and mind will say thank you for this, as they really love when they are regularly trained. World record holders on fast memorising usually use ‘Art of memory’ technique when they try to memorise as much as possible information on championships.

The secret is to concentrate and to develop your imagination. But, these memorising competitions do not have anything in common with our everyday lives. These participants can easily forget simple things as regular people, for example their phone number or passwords. This happens because they forget visualisations related to those numbers and combinations of letters. So, their main goal is to remember visualisations of things, and only after boring letters and numbers that they have to remember.

how to remember more informations

Another successful method to remember things is revision. Today, there is no point to write anything down in the notebook with a pen, as there are many available free apps on smartphones that make our lives much easier. A good example may be app called Anki. It helps you to create flash cards, that you can easily swipe and revise all the important information. It greatly helps during exam revision, as it is more interactive and faster way of memorising as well as revising for the important test.

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