Number of tutors Abuja for your query: | 2014 |
The average Abuja tutor's rating: | 4.68 |
Online tutoring: | Yes |
The average Abuja tutor's response time: | 23:05:38 |
Work schedule: | Mo-Su, 08:00 - 21:00 |
The average Abuja tutor's work experience: | 5 years |
Clients' feedback on tutors:
Dennis Abah for my son about the tutor Babs A.
Adeoye has been handling Technical Drawing very well thereby making assimilation of the subject easy and exciting.
Ade Ajayi about the tutor Samuel O.
He is a good tutor. He met our demands
Ajayi|+|Ade Ajayi about the tutor Jacob I.
He did well
Amaka Baa|+|Amaka about the tutor Anita A.
she did well
Joseph about the tutor Joseph A.
He is an excellent french tutor
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