Free catalog of home tutors and private teachers in Abuja


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Online lessons are available

1500 NGN per hour


1500 NGN per hour


Online lessons are available

10000 NGN per hour
10000 NGN per hour

Online lessons are available

10000 NGN per hour


10000 NGN per hour


Online lessons are available

2000 NGN per hour


2000 NGN per hour


Online lessons are available

5000 NGN per hour


5000 NGN per hour


Online lessons are available

5000 NGN per hour
5000 NGN per hour

Online lessons are available

2000 NGN per hour


2000 NGN per hour


Online lessons are available

8000 NGN per hour
8000 NGN per hour

Online lessons are available

10000 NGN per hour
10000 NGN per hour

Online lessons are available

2000 NGN per hour
2000 NGN per hour

Online lessons are available

5000 NGN per hour
5000 NGN per hour

Online lessons are available

3000 NGN per hour
3000 NGN per hour

Online lessons are available

1500 NGN per hour
1500 NGN per hour

Online lessons are available

4000 NGN per hour


4000 NGN per hour


Online lessons are available

2000 NGN per hour
2000 NGN per hour
10000 NGN per hour
10000 NGN per hour

Online lessons are available

4000 NGN per hour
4000 NGN per hour

Online lessons are available

2000 NGN per hour
2000 NGN per hour

Online lessons are available

7000 NGN per hour
7000 NGN per hour

Online lessons are available

4000 NGN per hour


4000 NGN per hour


Tutors Abuja - main information

Number of tutors Abuja for your query:1932
The average Abuja tutor's rating:4.66
Online tutoring:Yes
The average Abuja tutor's response time:21:27:01
Work schedule:Mo-Su, 08:00 - 21:00
The average Abuja tutor's work experience:5 years

Online lessons are available

10000 NGN per hour
10000 NGN per hour

Online lessons are available

3000 NGN per hour
3000 NGN per hour

Online lessons are available

3500 NGN per hour
3500 NGN per hour

Online lessons are available

8000 NGN per hour


8000 NGN per hour


New tutors

Online lessons are available

2000 NGN per hour
2000 NGN per hour

Online lessons are available

10000 NGN per hour
10000 NGN per hour

Online lessons are available

3500 NGN per hour
3500 NGN per hour
Finded 1932 teacher profiles

Clients' feedback on tutors:

Grace IBERI iheanacho about the tutor Oladapo O.

Wow ! He is an extraordinary tutor. My kids can't stop talking about him. They can't wait to have him come tutor them again

khodor kanaan about the tutor Temidayo F.

We understood all that she taught us well

Joseph about the tutor Joseph A.

He is an excellent french tutor

Ade Ajayi about the tutor Samuel O.

He is a good tutor. He met our demands

Dennis Abah for my son about the tutor Babs A.

Adeoye has been handling Technical Drawing very well thereby making assimilation of the subject easy and exciting.

Mariana Silva about the tutor Olayemi O.

He is a really good guy, very brilliant and intelligent.

Saadatu about the tutor Constance .C. P.

Satisfactory, I can rate her 5 Thanks

Amaka Baa|+|Amaka about the tutor Anita A.

she did well

Ajayi|+|Ade Ajayi about the tutor Jacob I.

He did well

OlaJide Vincent Adeyeye about the tutor Gbemisola O.

We like her and we will continue after the lock down

Frequently Asked Questions about Tutors Abuja

🥇 How to find a perfect tutor Abuja?

To find a perfect Tutors Abuja we recommend considering: experience, education, the price per lesson, location and positive feedbacks.

🔎 How to find tutor in Abuja?

On UpskillsTutor website you can choose a tutor Abuja among 1932 profiles. You can find a tutor according to your learning level and preferable time for classes.

🖥 How to choose a tutor Abuja for online/Skype classes?

To see all the variants for online/Skype classes in the list of profiles choose the "online" option in the selection field "Where would you like to study?" in Filters box. In this case you will see profiles of tutors Abuja who teach only online (via Skype). Additionally you can see if a tutor conduct online lessons in his or her tutor’s profile. To find this information check the "Lessons may take place" section for the "Online" option.