How to Study and Learn Chemistry. Some Useful Tips


How to Study and Learn Chemistry. Some Useful Tips
University education
Science and Technology


  1. Why chemistry is one of the most difficult school subjects?
  1. How to learn chemistry more effectively?
  1. Why is it important to know chemistry?
  1. So why learn chemistry?

Chemistry is a science that was formed in ancient times. The priests of ancient Egypt used their knowledge of this subject to control citizens of the country.

Now this discipline is available to anyone who studies it in middle and high schools. This is a subject about substances and their transformations. It is difficult to determine how to learn chemistry from scratch by visiting only one or two lessons.

For some, it is difficult to master science even in the second or third year of study. There may be several reasons for this:

  • the difficulty of remembering theoretical information containing many details on various subjects;
  • lack of motivation to study the subject by teachers;
  • the presence of a multitude of interrelations between individual branches of chemistry that can be used to solve combined problems;
  • various types of tasks proposed for the solution, algorithms that are difficult to remember;
  • lack of practical illustrative examples of what is described in the textbook or manual;
  • study of the subsequent topic without proper mastering of the previous one.

Preparation for exams in chemistry at the same time turns into a repetition of bulk material, but without a coherent system of knowledge, this is very difficult to do. A competent chemistry tutor will be able to change the attitude of the child to the subject, opening the opportunity for him to effectively study independently in the future.

How to learn chemistry more effectively?

In case if a lot of educational material was missed, a problem may arise how to learn chemistry from scratch and how to prepare for the next lesson. Even if there are gaps in previous knowledge, it is enough to carefully read the previous few paragraphs located in front of the current topic and consider examples of solving tasks. You can quickly and efficiently study the material if you do not treat it as a dry theory. Alternatively, mnemotechnical or associative formulas are used to memorize the terminology and algorithms for solving tasks. In this case, examples of everyday life are used for each chemical relationship (an example of a chemical solution is sugar in water).

This is one of the ways to learn chemistry yourself. To begin to study science yourself, it is necessary to imagine why and where to start learning chemistry. This discipline is not just lines in a regular book, filled with incomprehensible and complex formulas, as in physics. Everything that was stated in the lessons is around each person. You just need to carefully observe to see chemical transformations. More effectively this can be achieved using the services of private teachers. There is even a service "online chemistry tutor" - to learn you don’t even have to leave home, the teacher will come himself.

How to solve problems in chemistry?

A particularly important part of the study of chemical science is to understand how to solve problems in chemistry. In the school and university discipline courses, many tasks are offered not only in one direction but also in combining several types. Therefore, it is important to determine the algorithm for solving such problems and write them separately. The easiest way is the question-answer option, which gives the greatest amount of information: what exactly is said in the problem? Knowledge of what topics and formulas can be used to solve it? What values and units of measurement are involved in the condition and how are they interrelated (mole, litre, gram)? What constants may be needed?

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Alternately answering each of these questions, the solution for the student can be issued very quickly. Such an algorithm also works when solving problems in physics for the correct calculation. Practically for any task, it is important to know how to make up the reaction equation in chemistry. To do this, again, it is worth asking the right questions to find out whether a substance will behave as described in the textbook, or additional conditions may affect the composition of the final reaction products: the type of substance; reaction conditions; reagent concentration. After the reaction scheme has been drawn up, it remains to place the coefficients in front of the reactant molecules and reaction products. In total, this is a simplified schematic of how to solve equations in chemistry.

How easy to remember the periodic table?

The periodic table of elements is almost the most recognizable symbol of chemistry as a science. For this reason, it is important to know how to quickly learn the periodic table. This is necessary because the molar mass of the chemical elements, their valence, and the assumed chemical properties can be determined simply by looking into it. Memorizing and recording the location of elements is not worth it, because as a result, to search for an element in the table you will have to remember the location of all the elements that are required. It will be much more effective to have a table at hand during the solution of tasks and find the one that is mentioned in a specific task.

Another interesting way to easily learn the periodic table is the poetic form of the location of chemical elements in it: The first is hydrogen. All the people know this. Helium, Lithium and Beryllium, Bore, followed by Carbon, Tam Nitrogen, and Nitrogen Oxygen. Fluorine with Neon, Sodium, Magnesium, Aluminium, Silicon here. Phosphorus, Sulphur, Chlorine with Argon, Potassium with calcium go. This verse continues to the very last element now open.

Why is it important to know chemistry?

This science is essential in human life. Discoveries made in laboratories are gradually being used for practical purposes. A new fuel, a metal alloy or a more effective drug is the result of scientific research into the environment. Chemistry is not only important for people who decide to associate a future profession with it. It also matters in everyday life, when, without knowing it, people use intuitive skills of owning it. This is important both for cooks who, for cooking dough, “quench” soda with vinegar, and for motorists who deal with sulfuric acid in car batteries.

And for teachers who teach science. The importance of chemistry in the life of a modern person. Each of us must wash our hands every day - this is an indispensable approach for maintaining health and maintaining cleanliness in our own home. In this case, few people think that the formation of foam is a process of chemical nature. This is one of many examples when chemical phenomena in everyday life appear so vividly.

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Another example is the usual burning of wood, in which cellulose, under the oxidative action of atmospheric oxygen, is transformed into soot, carbon dioxide and water vapour. Chemistry in the daily life of a person is not just a set of text from symbols in a specialized book. In order to discover their benefits for themselves, it is important to have an understanding of chemicals and their nature in general. Provided that you decide that you need a chemistry tutor you have a wide choice of teachers.

Especially it should be said, what is the role of chemistry in medicine. A chemist is engaged in the development of new drugs to combat diseases that carried out on the basis of previously obtained results, taking into account new possible forms of synthesis of compounds. Pharmacology, as a special section of chemistry, has become an integral part of the treatment of diseases. Equally important is the role of chemistry in society. The discovery of new connecting, building materials and fuels allows you to create more efficient types of servicing mechanisms.

Chemical phenomena in nature

Chemical phenomena in the environment can be found at every step. For example, a cut apple with time at the cut point begins to darken. This is due to the oxidation of substances that make up the pulp of an apple in the air. Gas burning is another of the most common options. Methane, which is part of natural gas, burns to form carbon dioxide and water vapour. The value of chemical processes in nature is observed not by chance even by the example of the human body.

Eaten food is split by the body with the release of energy into simpler substances for further life. But the most striking example is the photosynthesis of plants. With only water and carbon dioxide in the sunlight form more complex in their structure organic matter. They can be both alcohol and sugar.

Interesting chemistry: facts about chemical phenomena

One of the sections of this discipline can be characterized in two words: "interesting chemistry.” It provides examples of phenomena that a person practically does not encounter in real life. If you ask a person on the street the question: "Is water burning?", He will probably answer that it does not burn. In fact, it is. In the environment of fluorine, water ignites and burns quite brightly. Among all metals, there is curious gallium. If in everyday life iron has to be heated to high temperatures so that it becomes a liquid, then gallium is simply enough to put on the palm.

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Under the influence of the heat of the human body, it will become a puddle. But the cat once became an assistant in the discovery of a new chemical element – iodine. Once. In 1811, in the laboratory of the French chemist Courtois, she accidentally turned a jar of sulfuric acid over dried algae. As a result, purple gas began to be emitted, which allowed the discovery of a new chemical element. These particular substances are studied by chemistry. Interesting facts can be found in all its sections.

So, why learn chemistry?

Chemistry plays an important role in the life of modern society. It is not only about new achievements in the field of science and technology, but also about the observance of the usual rules of safety. Knowledge of chemical laws helps to more fully understand the surrounding nature and the processes occurring in it. With the right approach to science, its study may not be like torture but become a very interesting activity. It is important to work out every moment to the end and find out everything that is not clear. If there are not enough lessons at school, it is effective to contact the tutor for additional training. In this way, you can achieve the desired result.

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