School Education in China and Interesting Facts About It


School Education in China and Interesting Facts About It
University education
Science and Technology

Children in China go to school for 12 years. As in most countries, learning is divided into three stages. Interesting fact, since 2008 in the country it is obligatory to pass a 9-year education at school, which is free. Then parents and child can decide for themselves if they would like to continue their education in the last three grades.

The primary school in China continues for children from about 6 to 11 years old. From 12 to 14 years old, students complete an incomplete secondary education, and from 15 to 18 they have an opportunity to complete their education in secondary school, although this is not compulsory. The first small test, future first graders, pass before enrolling in school. After completing primary school education, students take an exam. In order to begin training in high school, you need to score the required number of points.

School Education in China

In China, there are schools at universities, and if a student scores enough points to join this, it almost always guarantees him further enrolment to the university. After completing school, its graduates take exams, which are both graduation from the school and admission to universities. In order to be eligible to apply to universities, you need to score the minimum required number of points. The higher the status of the institution, the greater the demands it may make to applicants. As in Nigeria, the graduate has the opportunity to apply to several universities.


Compared with other countries, Chinese students have a large workload, because the Chinese language is rather complicated. 80% of school time students spend on learning their native language and mathematics. Children study 5 days a week and study from 8 to 16 hours. Usually, the timetable of study is as follows: From 8 to 11.30 students have lessons that consist of important subjects - this is their native and foreign language and mathematics. From 11.30 to 14 children rest - have a break for lunch. From 14 to 16 classes are held in secondary subjects - physical education, music, art.

By the way, children should do physical education at school for at least 70 minutes a week. Classes in China are quite large - usually starting from 30 students, but normally their number reaches up to 70 pupils. The academic year in the country lasts two semesters. As in Nigeria, at the end of each semester, student points are awarded, so parents can always be aware of the success of the child. Discipline in schools is very tough - if a student does not attend 12 classes without a good reason, he is expelled.

Interesting facts about schools in China:

  1. Every day in Chinese schools start with a short physical activity, so everyone is filled with energy before a hard day at school. In addition to that, after a short set of physical activities, the flag is raised, and the principal makes a speech for all the students and teachers. Only after these, everyone can go to their classes and start the education process.
  2. In many schools in China, there is no heating, so in winter, students can study wearing winter jackets.
  3. During the first six months of study, Chinese children study up to 400 hieroglyphs.
  4. There are no diaries for Chinese students - only a notebook where tasks are recorded. Parents can keep an eye on the child’s achievements only on checked tests, that teachers distribute to students.

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